In a statement, the company said that over the past five years since its inception, Muthoot Homefin has disbursed over Rs 2,600 crore home loans. Currently, it has assets under management (AUM) of Rs 1,800 crore with operations in 16 states and Union territories of India serving more than 22,000 customers.
Sunday Gospel reflection with Father William Grimm
The Lord calls us to a change of life, a change we exercise in some small way in Lent as a means of recommitting ourselves at Easter to the big reform we accepted in our baptismal commitment.
Dive Brief:
Casella Waste Systems is continuing plans to expand its disposal capacity in the Northeastern U.S. to take advantage of a tightening market and anticipated price escalation in the region.
During its fourth quarter earnings call on Friday, CEO John Casella said the company plans to pursue new permit approvals to further activate its McKean Landfill in Pennsylvania. The upcoming closure of the Materials Innovation and Recycling Authority (MIRA) refuse-derived fuel facility in Connecticut is one factor that could put pressure on the regional disposal market, he said.
The company is also moving forward with other landfill expansions in the region, including ongoing development of the latest expansion at its Waste USA site in Vermont and bump up capacity at its Hyland site in New York from almost 470 tons a year to about 1 million tons.
Gospel reflection with Father William Grimm
Lent gives us a chance to taste the emptiness of their lives so that we will be better motivated to share the good news with them that they, like we, are invited to leave our ashes behind and take part in a glorious dance of joy and an unlimited future in God s love.